Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Skaven Blood Bowl Team Project - Update

Hi there!

Bit of an absence recently I know. Apologies! However, I have some updates to share so without further ado, may I present the complete (well... full strength anyway!) converted Skaven Blood Bowl Team!


They had their first game yesterday and did me proud getting me a 2-0 win against the Orc team I've also been working on (wielded by my good friend Matt! A cunning adversary). A handy MVP and casualty combining to get me my first upgrade for number 90, a lineman, who is now the proud owner of the 'Kick' skill! Hurrah. Anyway, here are the team in all their individual glory:

Number 01: Chuckit McFlashpants
(A green stuff, imperial guardsman shoulder pad, stormvermin and ogre punch dagger conversion)

Number 62: Sneelitch Snaggletooth
Number 65: Rustik Lofar
Number 67: Burk Vermintide
Number 69: Adrian Brown
Number 74: Sneeki Kakstep
Number 90: Benjaminty Stillk
(All stormvermin, imperial guardsman shoulder pad and ogre punch dagger conversions)

Stormvermin Blitzers
Number 38: Morslick Krakskull
Number 55: Skleet Krittersplat
(Both stormvermin, imperial guardsman shoulder pad and ogre punch dagger conversions, with added 40K Ork shoulder pads and arms)

Gutter Runners
Number 11: Skquik Ikistep
Number 18: Bazflem Skitterleap
(Clanrat, imperial guardsmen shoulder pads and green stuff conversions)

Rat Ogre
Number 50: Masskil Vart
(Island of blood rat ogre, greenstuff and 40K Ork shoulder pad conversion)

Now to get some more games! If you're in the east london area an play, leave me a post! Now, off to doa post for my Orc team...


  1. Awesome work. I got nearly the same team (Mine is with 4 Gutters.) From where did you get that shoulder pads (Linemand and Storm Vermin) exactly?

    1. Thanks :) Its part of a Ogre punch dagger from the Warhammer Ogre kingdoms plastic Ogre boxed set. I trimmed off the fist leaving the arm guard which ended up looking like a nice shoulder guard! I recommend finding an Ogre Kingdoms player and raiding their bits box! As for the team roster, I've just finished converting another gutter runner to be added when I've gained enough winnings, so our teams look like they're destined to be even more similar! Great minds, eh?...

  2. Perfect. Found them and bought a few from an Bitz-Shop. I will add them to my boys.

    So far i always took the shoulder-pads from the Tau-Kroot-Warriors.
    From where do you took the "Imperial Guardsmen Shoulder-Pads"?
    Are you at fumbbl?

    I play my boys without a thrower, for now, because one gutter is better and skill faster than a thrower. :)

    1. The imperial guardsmen shoulder pads are just the shoulder pads from the plastic Cadian box set. Just chop off the arm and there you go! No i'm not on FUMMBL. I should probably get on there at some point! I don't get enough games in at the moment unfortunately!

      Good advice on the gutter runner. I've almost got enough funds for a third now so will be adding him to the roster in the future I'm sure!

  3. That is a beautiful Skaven team! Very well done!

  4. These are just absolutely amazing. I'm curious if you would do commission work?

    1. Hi ryan. Thanks very much! I enjoyed making them. If I had the time to make more I'd consider it but I've not even been able to make myself anymore recently! Thanks for the ask though. Noone has asked me before so this is a first :)

    2. Hi ryan. Thanks very much! I enjoyed making them. If I had the time to make more I'd consider it but I've not even been able to make myself anymore recently! Thanks for the ask though. Noone has asked me before so this is a first :)
